Many of us are probably using Twitter, but are we doing all we can to make the most of it? In this digital marketing series, we’ll look at how you can get the most from Twitter to increase your following and attract more customers – even if you’re limited in time.
The Twitter experience can be somewhat polarising, mainly depending on whether you’ve embraced the platform or not. For many, Twitter has been an invaluable marketing tool, allowing quick communication to hundreds (or even thousands) at a single click. But for others, it’s merely a place they scroll past while waiting to see if someone they know has responded to their latest Facebook status update.
This article on Twitter aims to provide you with a set of marketing tips that helps you learn how to tweet for your business or organisation — so you don’t fall into the camp of someone who isn’t getting any results from their Twitter activities.
Know How to Use Twitter
Start with a clear goal in mind. Before you dive into Twitter, make sure you know what kind of engagement you want from your followers. Do you want them to share content? Do you want them to comment on a post or retweet it? Do you want them to click through to a link? Different goals require different strategies.
Make sure your bio is informative but not too long. Your bio is one of the first things people see when they visit your profile page, so make sure it’s short and sweet! Take advantage of the character limit by including where you’re located, what kind of business you run (if applicable), and anything else that might help someone decide if they want to follow you.
Please keep it simple! To get prospective clients interested in following you on Twitter is by posting engaging content, they’ll want to read—and then leaving them with something interesting at the end! If all your posts are just links and no context whatsoever, people aren’t going.
Create Your Own Twitter Strategy and Schedule
Schedule your tweets in advance. Scheduling ensures it goes out at the time when they are most relevant for your followers based on their time zone and where they live. This will help increase engagement from those interested in seeing what’s new from you!
Create a Twitter editorial calendar that lists all the topics you plan to tweet about during the week or month ahead so that you know what to post when it comes time for each day’s tweets. If you’re posting multiple times per day, this will help keep things organised so that nothing gets missed!
Use tools like Hootsuite to monitor what people are saying about your industry and your competitors and what they’re saying about your product or service.
Decide the frequency of your posts on Twitter. If you’re posting daily, consider how long each tweet should be and how many characters it should contain. If you’re posting less frequently, decide how many times per week or month you’ll post and what types of content will go into those posts (e.g., links, images/videos).
Create a template for each type of post (e.g., link post, image post) so that posts aren’t too similar or look like they were posted by someone else (and not your business). This will also help streamline the process when creating new posts—you won’t have to think about what words go where or how much space each piece of information takes up in each post type’s template because all those decisions have already been made for you!
Make Sure You’re Ready to Respond to Customer Questions or Complaints
To ensure that doesn’t happen, make sure you plan to respond quickly when your customers reach out on Twitter. This is especially important if there’s a way for them to reach you directly (like through a DM).

Use Hashtags Properly
Tweet Link Shorteners and Eye-Catching Images Frequently
Second, you should use eye-catching images to make sure people actually click on your links. If there’s no reason for someone to click on a link, then they won’t, and it’ll be a waste of time for everyone viewing the tweet. If something is appealing about an image—whether it’s funny or exciting or disgusting (in a good way)—people will be more likely to click through and see what’s behind it!
Twitter Analytics and Track the Right Metrics
There are ways to measure your business’s Twitter success regarding social media marketing.
You must know what information you need when you’re looking to get the most from your tweets. First, you’ll want to track your engagement rate and reach. The engagement rate is calculated as the percentage of people who see your tweet and click it. Reach is how many people read your tweet, whether they click on it or not.
Second, you should look at your audience growth rate—how many new followers you gained in a given period. This will show how quickly (or slowly) your audience is growing and give you an idea of how well your Twitter content resonates with others.
Finally, ensure that all of these metrics are being tracked over time to see trends and patterns emerge around different types of tweets or topics covered in each piece of content.

Getting a message across on Twitter can be a tricky thing to master, so if you’re interested in this social networking platform, be sure to keep the above tips in mind as you develop your strategy for Twitter marketing.
The more you take advantage of the platform, the easier it will become for you to decide which methods work best and your ideal approach.